Finnish 3-gun Championship 2010
1.8.2010: The GT is over, thank you for participating. See the results link on the left. Feedback, both bad and good, and especially suggestions for improvement are appreciated, either via email (see the contacts link) or on public forums like the ipscfin forum.
8.7.2010: Order your GT shirt by noon July 12, delivery at the GT handgun component match.
28.6.2010: Check the GT intermediate scores after two component matches. Contact the tournament stats director if you have any questions or corrections.
5.5.2010: Check the GT team listings (link on the left menu).
IPSC level III Grand Tournament, about 25 stages and 400 rounds in total. This GT is an official Finnish Championship tournament, but the component matches themselves are NOT Finnish Championship matches. Finnish Championships in each component discipline are organized separately.
Component main match dates and locations
- rifle: April 25th, 2010, Upinniemi, Kirkkonummi (PorkkA)
- shotgun: June 20th, 2010, Loimaa (LL)
- handgun:August 1st, 2010, Loimaa (TIPSC)
Shooter registration on match days will typically be between 07:00–08:00 in the morning. Prematches are on Saturdays, on the day before main match. Further details on the component matches will be on component match specific pages.
Registration procedure and priority
Competitor registration to the GT has begun (the link on the left). There is a total of 80 competitor slots in the GT main match. The first 68 competitor slots are allocated in the order of registration, the last 12 are reserved for the time being. The reserved slots will be filled on March 1st from those who have registered to the GT waiting list by the end of February. The reserved slots are distributed based on standings on the Finnish IPSC ranking list. Registration to only shoot the rifle match (on slots possibly leftover from the GT) begins on March 1st.
Tournament divisions
In order to force competitors of each GT division to compete against each other in every discipline, the GT will only offer restricted divisions. Thus the GT divisions are the following:
GT division | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle |
"Open" | Open | Open | Open SA |
"Practical" | Standard | Standard | Open SA |
"Standard" | Standard | Standard | Standard SA |
"Production" | Production | Standard Manual | Standard SA |
Tournament fees
Registration and payment of the personal Grand Tournament entry fee covers all three component matches as well as the GT. The GT team fee covers only the GT and is to be paid in cash at the first component match. Pre-registration (non-binding) of GT teams on the personal registration form is encouraged, however. All members (up to four persons) of a Finnish GT team must be from the same shooting club.
GT registration (–4.4.2010) | juniors and ladies | 75 € |
others | 150 € | |
Late GT registration (5.4.2010–) | 180 € | |
Team GT registration | 40 € |
The table below applies to those who shoot all three component matches and officiate in 1–3 matces. Team fees are the same for both officials and competitors. GT match officials, by default, shoot all component matches in the prematch, even if they don't work the main match the following day.
Shoot and work all 3 matches | free |
Shoot 3 matches and work 2 matches | free |
Shoot 3 matches and work 1 match | 75 / 37.50 € |
Payment instructions
Register online to the Grand Tournament before paying any fees. When you get a confirmation of succesfull registration and slot allocation to the match, then pay the personal registration fee. Personal GT registration fees must be paid by April 4th to Turku IPSC's bank account 571158-561118 (IBAN: FI04 5711 5850 0611 18, SWIFT/BIC: OKOYFIHH). Remember to add a message of format "GT lastname firstname shooterID" to the payment. If you are paying for multiple shooters, add the names and possible shooter id numbers of all shooters to the message. If a non-Finnish shooter wants to pay the registration fee in cash at the first component match, contact the stats director before the payment due date. Registrations that haven't been paid by April 4th are subject to cancellation.
Received payments are updated regularly to the list of registered shooters. If, after registration, you find out you won't be able to participate in the GT, please let the stats director know about it, so we can free your slot to the next person on the waiting list. Paid registration fees are only returned due to medical reasons (a medical certificate is required), but a paid registration fee can be transferred to someone else participating in this GT.
Component match fees
Component match fees apply to those that don't shoot the whole tournament. Tournament shooters are given priority slots to all component matches. Teams may or may not be recognized in each component match. Payments related to component matches are handled directly by the club organizing the match, see the match specific pages.
Registration | juniors and ladies | 30 € |
others | 60 € | |
Team registration | TBA | |
Arbitration fee | 70 € |
For more information about the GT, see the contact page.
Page last modified on Sunday, August 1st, 2010 at 22:38.