Match list

GT 2010
GT Rifle
--> GT Shotgun
GT Handgun


Finnish 3-gun Championship 2010 Shotgun


Main match on Sunday, June 20, 2010, prematch on Saturday, June 19. Registration will be between 06:45-07:45 in the morning on both days.

Everyone listed as an official (type = official) on the GT registration list will be shooting in the prematch on Saturday, unless personally instructed otherwise by the match director. Everyone listed as a competitor (type = competitor) shoots on Sunday.


Loimaan Laukojat shooting range. Address: Veteraanintie, Loimaa (drive to the end of the road). Registration and gun check at N60° 52.28', E023° 04.06' (WGS-84).


Only those who are registered to the Grand Tournament can participate in the shotgun component match. No slots are available for those that would like to participate in the shotgun match only, sorry. Thus only shotgun divisions open (gt: open), standard (gt: practical & standard), and standard manual (gt: production) are recognized.

How many rounds?

Minimum rounds (9 stages):

No restrictions on the number of pellets per buckshot cartridge. Normal rulebook cartridge limits apply (480 <= cartridge PF <= 750, birdshot size 2.0mm - 3.5mm, buckshot size 6.1mm - 9.1mm).

Contact: MD Janne Anttila, email: janne.anttila (att!)

Page last modified on Wednesday, June 16th, 2010 at 15:42.